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past-time - future-time

Cost of the War and Occupation in Iraq
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November 23, 2003 - 1:18 a.m.


What I'm listening to right now...

One day, once I've finally managed to make my album, and had it greeted with sycophantic critical success, I shall invite the world to come and witness my latest work of installation art.

I'll have made two alternative art-house movies by then, both filled with the deepest dregs of the human condition, and both killingly funny.

I shall present my work of art - myself!

And I shall say...

"Behold! I am a false icon! The media collaborate in promoting my superficial lifestyle as somehow more valid, more worthy of attention, than your real lives."

And that's when I'll give the signal to blow up the world.

past-time - future-time

Les' Love Child - May 02, 2006
Fight your evils - July 08, 2005
Real freedom - May 05, 2005
And the Saints go strolling on - April 16, 2005
Sky blue crap - April 13, 2005

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