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Cost of the War and Occupation in Iraq
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November 22, 2003 - 6:12 p.m.

Raindrops keep falling down my neck

What I'm listening to right now...

Sheesh it's wet and nasty out! A constant drizzle has fallen all day - not enough to completely warrant an umbrella, but the sort that slowly and surely soaks through everything you're wearing until you've an inner lining of slimpy water next to your skin.

You're already wet from walking, 'cos with the extra clothes on to protect against the weather, you've probably sweated some, and as you're sat still, watching the match, that previously warm moistness becomes a chilly damp.

'Moist' - now there's a word. Pleasant when applied to freshly baked chocolate cake, but not when associated with bodily pits and parts.

I've pulled out of leading worship at Sublime tonight, due to the last few days' general lurginess of health, but still wasn't going to miss the Saints' match this afternoon against Chelsea.

We played excellently for the first half, but started to suck after Chelsea scored a goal only minutes into the second. Having said that, we definitely had more chances, and near misses, but a near miss is as good as a bird in the hand to a blind horse. Or something.

I'm gonna hang with Sal this evening - who has taken issue with my last entry. Something about me never having been a parent. Fair enuff actually - all opinions presented here are as felt at the time of posting. They may not hold a day later (or even an hour later), and are open to change due to circumstances and experience. Until then, I'm going to be as opinionated as my Dad, in the hope of provoking others.

Now what was he said? "You'll see, when blood's running freely in the streets..."

past-time - future-time

Les' Love Child - May 02, 2006
Fight your evils - July 08, 2005
Real freedom - May 05, 2005
And the Saints go strolling on - April 16, 2005
Sky blue crap - April 13, 2005

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